Jesus said to go into all the world, and even though we are a young church we have decided to act on that command.
We have chosen to support ministries, missionaries and organisations from all over the globe whom we have relationship with.
Saul & Rebecca Thurrowgood
Saul and Rebecca Thurrowgood got married in 2008. They have 3 children, Leia, Zoe and Emily. Saul has worked in science for a long time and had no reason to believe in anything spiritual until a student at his workplace told him about Christianity and offered to buy him a Bible—surprisingly he accepted. He has 13 years of experience working in computer vision research.
Rebecca is a Child Of Deaf Adult (CODA). She has worked as an Auslan Language Model/Teacher’s Assistant for 8 years with primary school children in a Bilingual/Bicultural program. Rebecca also has extensive experience as a paraprofessional interpreter. Saul and Rebecca have felt God’s calling to be involved with the Deaf in Christian ministry and to contribute to the work of translating Bibles into sign language for the Deaf around the world.

Patrick & Gina Deller
This dedicated couple are working and volunteering in Vietnam partnering with several projects. Patrick & Gina’s focus is on Vocational Training such as: Mentoring Leaders; Hospitality; Trade Skills; Teaching English and Life Skills programs.
Patrick and Gina are also partnering with the local existing organizations in helping and caring for the disadvantaged.
Kathy Dadd
Kathy is passionate about people having access to God’s Word and is saddened that so many Indigenous Australians still don’t have the Scriptures in a language they easily understand. God has given Kathy a love of languages and she has now completed her linguistic and theological studies.
Kathy will live in the Northern Territory to serve Indigenous Australians through Bible translation. She will be working on the translation of the Plain English Version (PEV), supporting Aboriginal Bible translators and training to be a translation consultant. The PEV is an English translation of the Bible designed for people who speak an Aboriginal language as their mother-tongue. It is used by those who do not yet have the Scriptures in their own language, or who meet with Christians from other language groups. In order to support the Aboriginal translators, Kathy will spend some time living in a community, learning an Aboriginal language.
Please be praying for wisdom and that God will prepare a team of Indigenous Christians for her to serve alongside.

Peter & Natalie Morreau
Peter and Natalie Morreau, and their 4 children Madelyn, Joel, Asher and Amie, minister with Australian Aboriginal Outreach Ministries (AAOM). They are based in Nhulunbuy, East Arnhem Land and minister to the Yolngu and Balanda peoples through Oasis Church in Nhulunbuy.
Queensland Theological College
QTC exists to equip people for a lifetime of serving the Lord Jesus Christ here in Queensland and far beyond. They are committed to providing a rich and stretching theological training, which faithfully applies the Word of God to the real world today.
Emmanuel City Mission
Everyday Emmanuel City Mission opens its doors and cares for the homeless and vulnerable of our city, creating a space where they can feel safe, cared for and valued. The work of Emmanuel City Mission truly brings hope and healing to the lives of people who need it most. As a church we are blessed to be a blessing as we collectively provide food and personal items for those in need and who utilise the services of Emmanuel City Mission
Beth Biri
Beth Biri, meaning ‘House of the Creative One’, is a God-given vision. It is a family and a home where young people can discover their identity through the arts. Beth-Biri is a safe place, physically and spiritually, for young people from all backgrounds to come to, to create freely and connect deeply with community, with God and with their hearts. We will be hosting creative workshops, events and lessons for improving skills, being introduced to new art forms, and to encourage others in their creative journey.